Category travel stories

Alone in Croatia

“I told her that my luggage was gone and that I really had to go!”

The bull or the firework?

During the summer in Spain, there are a few festival that are very important to Spanish culture. I attended San Fermin’s festival in Pamplona, also well known as the Running of the Bulls. Yes, this is the festival where bulls run after people. I reserved the trip with BeMadrid (they are amazing by the way). […]

San Francisco host family

“I tried my best to hide every piece of food in the napkin she gave me”

The Tolo hotel

“We sent one of our friend outside, on the patio and we LOCKED the door”

Homeless lady in Germany

“I was laughing in my head cause none of that was true, but I couldn’t go back there.”

That time I almost died on my way home

“You can’t show her that you’re scared, she’ll freak out even more, and you’ll freak out more. PLAY IT COOL”.

4 Canadians, 1 Spanish and the German doctor

“But whatever, we had the german doctor with us”

Smelly guy, smelly hostel

“He was just there, waiting for I don’t know what, his eyes wide open. “

Somewhere between Madrid and Lisbon

“We haven’t slept in a decade, and now we’re all freaking out”

Always wear the right wetsuit size

“I swear my legs probably tripled in size”