The Tolo hotel

When I was in High school, we had a trip to Italy and Greece. It was pretty awesome and this is the trip that made me want to travel.

This story takes place in Greece, on one of our last nights. We were sleeping in a cute hotel facing the sea, in a little town called Tolo. After dinner, the teachers told us that we could visit the city, but that we had be back in our rooms by 11pm. That is what we did. At 11pm, we were back, talking like we usually did before bed.

A few minutes later, we heard some noise coming from outside. We had a balcony in our room and we were on the 1st floor. We immediately thought that someone was trying to get into our room. We called one of our teachers who obviously laughed at us.

When he left, we were the four of us in the room, all sitting on one bed, scared. I told them that we should make sure that the door was properly locked. We sent one of our friends outside, on the patio and we LOCKED the door. SHE WAS ABLE TO OPEN IT FROM OUTSIDE. At that point we were even more scared.

I suggested that we put our suitcases in front of the door, with one piece of furniture. We were feeling a little bit safer and went to bed. We did not sleep very well, but knowing that the door was blocked was kind of reassuring.

The next morning, we realized that we did something very stupid. The doors were actually sliding patio doors. Even if we had but a bed in front of it, or a big piece of furniture, the door could have been opened anyways.

Oh well. High school. 15 years old. Yeah, enough said.

Tolo, Greece, March 2009

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