That time I almost died on my way home

When it’s time to get home from a trip, it is definitely sad. But you reach a moment where you wish you could just teleport yourself home.

I was taking a short flight from Paris to London. Maybe like 45 minutes, not even. I sat down on the plane, and right beside me, there was a girl who looked almost my age. She looked super nervous and she was on her own. We got along as soon as we started talking. As the plane got on the runway, she lay on her side and told me that she was VERY scared of planes.

A few seconds after take off, the plane dropped a few meters down, rose up again, dropped, rose up again… She looked at me and grabbed my hand so hard. I was telling myself: “Ok, this is the moment I die. I will die, omg. You can’t show her that you’re scared, she’ll freak out even more, and you’ll freak out more. PLAY IT COOL”.

I spent the entire flight super stressed and almost sure I would not make it. People were looking at each other on the plane, not so sure of what was going on. We made it to London with an hour delay, but we made it. Alive.

Paris to London, August 2015

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