Smelly guy, smelly hostel

After only one week in the heat of Madrid, I was in desperate need of the beach. We booked a bus to Valencia for the weekend. It wasn’t so far, only 5-6 hours away and we got there by noon.

I realized that Caro and I are kinda crazy: In the middle of the night, before leaving, we realized that we did not reserve a room for our night there (Oopsss).

We found something pretty nice as it looked exactly like a hotel, but a lot cheaper. When we got to the hostel, we were alone so we had some time to get settled in before going to the beach.

When we got back from the beach, the room smelled really bad. We didn’t really know what it was, but it was disgusting (I had to open the windows to make the smell go away).

We took a shower when we got to the hostel. When I got out, there was a guy in the room . On his bed. Staring at the sealing. Not saying anything. Smelling like he ran for 13 hours without showering after. It was the same smell that had been torturing our noses and our lives since earlier in the day (awkward moment #1),

It was Caro’s turn to shower, so I told myself: “okay, he’ll just go after her, he’s waiting” (HA. I wish). As soon as the shower started he stood up and walked towards the bathroom. He did not stop there. He opened the door and went IN the bathroom (!!!!!!!!!!) (Awkward moment #2). Caro was still in the shower. I didn’t know what to do. I think he understood that it wasn’t the right thing to do. He left and went back on his bed. When Caro came out of the bathroom, she gave me that “what the hell” look. We then sat in our respective beds, hoping that he would take a freaking shower to get rid of the smell. But no. He stayed in his bed. Caro and I were texting each other and she started to laugh out loud. I tried to hold it in but I just couldn’t and exploded of laughter. He was staring at us (awkward moment #3). He knew we were laughing because of him. We decided to leave the room and sit outside for a while.

Not even 5 minutes after we left, he left the room. We decided to go back to the beach, so we went to get our stuff in the room. Guess what? He had entered the room again. Ok, we had had enough. We left for the beach in an awkward mood. We told ourselves that when we got back he would probably be asleep.

Surprise surprise. He. was. not. asleep!! He was sitting outside the room. Same story again. We entered the room, he entered the room. We were going to bed, so we kind of didn’t care. He stayed in the same clothes, with the same smell and waited on his back. I texted Caro to look at him because he looked like a mummy. And damn, we started laughing again. He was just there, waiting for I don’t know what, his eyes wide open, looking at the top bunk bed.

When we woke up in the morning, he was gone, but the smell was still present. Lesson learned: When there is a smelly guy in the room, expect your room to smell until the end of the world, and let yourself have a good laugh about it.

Valencia, Spain, June 2015

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